Design Service

Sign Design

The design of signs is a key marketing task. Many Sydney businesses realize that they “never get a second chance to make a first impression.” That sign on the street. That sign at the reception area. That sign inside the business. Each one of those can be the first impression that a customer has of your business.

You know your brand. You know your customers. You may even have a concept in your head that you think will be good for your signage. But our sign experts can help you with sign design.

Contact our signwriters, today, and let us work with you to design the best signs for your business in Sydney.

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The Platinum Difference.

Fast Turnaround

We pride ourselves on achieving realistic deadlines for our customers’ projects.

Nationwide installation

We have a network of sign installers across Australia, and we can carry out projects in all major cities – from Sydney to Melbourne, Canberra to Brisbane, Perth and anywhere across our great nation.

Advice & Consultation

No bots, no automation; our sign company provides an expert account manager to discuss your needs.

Design creation

Our sign design company manually verifies and proofs artwork files. Our signage workflow makes sure we minimise errors!

Print, Cut & Finish

In-house cutting, printing and finishing allow us to control the quality and lead times, maintaining consistency in our services

Sign Designs Industry by Industry

Illuminated signs are ideal for many businesses. Our sign writers can work with all sorts of organisations. We’ve produced illuminated signs for government agencies, corporate events, small and medium businesses, and many others. In any space that you need to pass on a message, we can make a suitable sign. Illuminated signs can provide a new look for an existing business or be the starting point to a complete rebrand.

Illuminated signs, such as backlit signs, 3D signs, or LED signs, are fresh and modern, and they’ll showcase your business or event day or night. The exact style of illuminated sign is often reflective of your business. Are you looking for a modern appeal, or is your business steeped in tradition? Our sign design team will find the perfect sign that is suitable for your business.

How Long Does it Take to Produce 3D Signage?

All signs produced are custom to a particular brief, and the exact timeframe depends on how complex the sign is to produce. After your design is approved, we can provide you with a time frame for manufacturing and installation.

Can Your Assist with the Sign Design?

At 3D Illuminated Signs, we have a team of top-rated sign writers right here in Sydney that can assist with your project. If you have an existing brand identity kit (font, colours, logo, etc.), then your design can be completed quickly, and we may only need the words for your sign. However, if you’re looking for a unique sign expressively designed for your business, it is always a good idea to get a qualified designer, like those working at 3D Illuminated Signs, onboard to help.

Ready to start your next project?



With current LED technology, the expense of running an illuminated sign has been dramatically reduced. If you have an existing illuminated sign running on standard bulbs, then you may find cost savings of up to 80%. While LEDs are more expensive at the beginning, the savings you’ll achieve in reduced energy consumption make it worthwhile. LED lights also have a reduced maintenance cost and life. Affordable signage has a new name: illuminated signs.
Illuminated signs can last a long time. We use only the best-in-class materials vis-a-vis your budget. All the illuminated signs created at Platinum Signs are made with consideration as to where they will be installed. Provided they are appropriately maintained, you’ll get many years of use out of illuminated signage as well as other types of materials.
Signage can build your business. Custom signs are a key component of effective marketing. The most important part of any sign is that it should be read and understood in the shortest possible time. Working with our design team, we can take you through all the effects you can achieve with illuminated signs. At our business location, we have many examples that will demonstrate what effects can be achieved with illuminated signs, LED signs, and other types of custom signage. Some effects that can be achieved include halo, front only, and side only illuminations. Our sign design experts are ready and waiting to work with you to achieve the effects you want.
The best illuminated sign is one that delivers your message in the least amount of time. Light brings attention and illuminated signs can realy be the best signage for your business. In addition, your sign should provide enough information to allow your potential customers to understand what you do, and how they can find your business. At Platinum Signs, we are happy to assist with the design of your sign so that it’s the best sign for your business needs.
There are many questions you need to ask yourself when planning out your sign and signaged needs. What is the most important information you need people to see? Is there anything that is not necessary? Often signs are bloated with information, and this can have a negative effect. Good signs will deliver their message in the shortest amount of time. If you need to include a lot of information, you can always add that to a smaller sign after a larger one has done the job of drawing people in. Consider the location of your sign. For example, if you’re installing a sign where people are moving quickly (e.g., in their cars), you only have a small amount of time to deliver your message. However, if your sign is placed in a location where people are waiting or walking (reception areas, shopping centres, etc.), you can give them a sign that includes more detail. Consult with our signage experts and we can design a custom sign plan for your business.
Installing a sign means having it placed in a location that will benefit your business the most. Many signs are simply installed without much consideration given to visibility. Just as in real estate, people say it’s ‘location, location, location.’ Your sign should be installed in a location where it will provide the largest impact. For illuminated signs, this means making sure everyone can see the sign both day and night. Identify where your traffic is, and create eye-catching signs with colors, light, and location.
All your business signs should support with your business and its brand. For this reason, it is imperative that all signs are on message. In all cases, they should support your brand. Having signs produced in a similar style, using your associated colours, and brand identity is the ideal way to support a brand. At Platinum Signs, you can work with our designers, and they’ll examine your brand and suggest signs that will really support your brand!
An illuminated sign is an investment, and looking after it means it’ll last, providing you with better value over time. Regularly examine the sign and check for signs of damage and wear. If your signs are installed outside, they are most susceptible to damage caused by the environment and human interaction. If you notice any problems that cannot be fixed by cleaning, you can call Platinum Signs for maintenance and repairs.
Regular cleaning should be carried out to maintain your sign. LED illuminated signs can be cleaned with warm soapy water. Use a mild detergent, such as regular dish soap. Avoid using harsh scrubbing brushes as these can scratch the surface and affect the look of the sign. Instead, you can use a regular sponge (without a scouring side) and a clean towel to dry the sign. To leave the sign without any water spots, you can use a microfiber cloth to dry it thoroughly. If your sign is installed outside, then you may, on occasion, need to spot clean it. You can use a spray bottle cleaner, such as Windex, and a clean cloth. Avoid using paper towels as these may break up and cause a mess, and you should also avoid using any harsh or abrasive cleaning products.
Yes. We have our own teams of sign installers in Sydney and a strong network of sign contractors, working in Melbourne, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Adelaide and all other major cities in Australia.
Many factors go into producing a sign, and providing an estimate without knowing the details, is all but impossible. We can provide you with an estimate after knowing the sign’s size, the design, mounting material, and construction material. After your first meeting with our sales team, we will provide you with an estimated project cost. Signs vary and so do costs, but rest assured that our prices are cost-competitive and as affordable as possible!
Illuminated signs stand out; they can be seen both day and night. Our lightbox signs are waterproof and last for many years, even in outdoor areas. For any business that wants to attract day and night traffic, you can do no better than an illuminated sign.

What our clients have to say:

Matt Soltau
Expansion Manager
Smile Direct Club

Great work, consistently delivering on time, on budget our projects across Australia and NZ in multiple sites, inclusive of regional centres.

Olivia Longson
Marketing Manager
Lounge Lovers

Platinum handles all our signage requirements across our stores in Australia, from window decals, outdoor billboards and fleet branding.

Caio Bueno
Head of Operations
Two Men and a Truck

Platinum Signs has been providing signage to our fleet across the country for years. We can rely upon their expertise when it comes to advise as well as trusting their crafted installers that always live up to our expectations.

Our Clients

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